Jugal Kishore Sharma Member of Parliament Lok Sabha Jammu Poonch today inaugurated Inter Vidhansabha Sansad Khel Spardha 22-23 tournaments at Khel Gaon Nagrota in which DSO Sukdev Raj, Sarpanch Nagrota Lala Kishore, BJYM Tarun Singh, Ankush Pandit, ZPEO Dansal Sudesh Jamwal,ZPEO Ram Murti,Zpeo Kumari Rajni Heem Raj Verma,Tarun Singh,Ankush Pandit and others also present.
Today Kabaddi match was played between Jammu Zone and Dansal Zone at Khel Gaon Nagrota under Sansad Khel Sapradha 22-23. Member of Parliament while addressing the gathering said that today even in rainy season the spirit of sportsmen flourished and first Kabaddi match of Sansad Khel Spardha 22-23 inter vidhansabha tournaments started.He said that every Member of Parliament advised to work in mission mode to make India Physically fit and to promote Khelo India under Sansad Khel Spardha.He said that this campaign have been started in all the Districts last year upto panchayat levels and now today matches have been played upto zonal levels and vidhansabha levels.He said that out Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi is not only working to improve the quality of education but he is hardworking for over all development of our students & youths.Sansad Khel Spardha,Khelo India,Fit India and many other campaigns have been started to make India Fit.He said that all the students are given a chance to play in Sansad Khel Spardha. All the players,staff and dignitaries present at the occasion also took oath to make India Fit and Green & Clean.
Member of Parliament congratulated the winning team of Dansal zone and encouraged the others to practice hard so that they can also play well. He also greeted both the teams of Jammu zone and Dansal Zone present at the occasion.
Physical Education Staff Subash Chander,Saleem-Ul-Rehman,Chameil Singh,Yash Pal Sharma,Sunny Dogra,BK Bhat,Team Coach Jasdev Singh,Sanit Sharma,Vandana Sharma,PEM Meena Dutta,Ramesh Padha,Anil Dogra,Dinesh Sharma,Anil Sharma,Vishal Malhotra,Ajay Wadhera & others also present at the occasion.
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